Apples Stellungnahme zu den Einbrüchen auf ihren Developer-Servern

Apples Stellungnahme zum Einbruch auf ihren Entwicklungsservern. Es kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass die Angreifer weniger sensible Daten wie Namen, Postadressen und Email-Adressen erhalten haben. Last Thursday, an intruder attempted to secure personal information of our registered developers from our developer website.

Sensitive personal information was encrypted and cannot be accessed, however, we have not been able to rule out the possibility that some developers’ names, mailing addresses, and/or email addresses may have been accessed.

In the spirit of transparency, we want to inform you of the issue. We took the site down immediately on Thursday and have been working around the clock since then.

In order to prevent a security threat like this from happening again, we’re completely overhauling our developer systems, updating our server software, and rebuilding our entire database. We apologize for the significant inconvenience that our downtime has caused you and we expect to have the developer website up again soon.

In einem Video des Hackers, das mittlerweile auf "privat" gestellt worden ist, war eindeutig zu sehen, dass er u.a. E-Mail, Apple IDs etc. auslesen konnte. -- Danke an Thomas R. für die Ergänzung.