Adium 1.5.3 Update
Der freie und kostenlose Open-Source Multi-Messenger Adium steht in einer neuen Version 1.5.3 zum Download zur Verfügung. Es gibt ein paar Mountain Lion Verbesserungen, diverse Crash-Fixes und eine Fehlerbehebung in Verbindung mit Facebook.
Adium kann hier für OS X herunter geladen werden. Adium 1.5.3 benötigt mindestens OS X 10.6.8 oder neuer.
Version 1.5.3 Fixed another problem with the transcript viewer causing search to fail when closing and reopening the window. (#13586, #15699) Fixed a problem with iTunes 10.6.3 on Mac OS X 10.6.8 causing the chat window's toolbar to break. (#16046) Fixed crash at startup that was meant to be fixed in 1.5.2. (#15787) Fixed a crash when receiving invalid XML on 10.8. (#16095) Fixed an issue that caused logging in to Facebook to fail when login approvals are enabled. (#15705) Icons set for group chat bookmarks will now show up on the tab bar in the chat window. (Andreas Marienborg) (#14484) Fixed tables not being declared as such via VoiceOver. (Marco Zehe) (#16085) Fixed a problem with emoticons scaling disproportionately in the yMous message style when using OS X 10.8. Improved memory use slightly.