[SHORTBREAKING] Scheiße mit Medien - Amoklauf in Newton

UnknownAbartige Medien haben den Namen des Amokläufers von Newton, Connecticut veröffentlicht: mit dem Resultat, dass eine Hexenjagd auf jeden begonnen hat, der so heißt. Es ist unglaublich… Da bin ich ja tatsächlich für die Einschränkung der "Pressefreiheit", denn das ist keine Freiheit, das ist böse abartige geldgierige Geldgier und Sensationsgeilheit - die aufgrund der Dummheit des Menschen dann in Hetze mündet.
CNN Friday afternoon named Ryan Lanza as a suspected shooter involved in the massacre at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school. Immediately, journalists and others began sharing images from the Facebook account of a Ryan Lanza who was listed as being from Newtown and living in Hoboken, N.J. However, that Lanza has apparently begun posting new Facebook status updates denying any involvement in the attack. 
This Lanza's Facebook privacy is set so those who aren't friends with him are unable to see most of his updates. The above screenshot was provided by Andrew Fletcher, who is Facebook friends with this Lanza.Bildschirmfoto 2012-12-14 um 23.45.45

Another Twitter user, Matt Bors, also claimed to be Facebook friends with this Lanza and posted a separate screenshot. He did, however, note that he is not personal friends with this Lanza.


Despite his denials, this Lanza's face has already appeared on news websites and major media networks across the country in association with this story. Note that Mashable has not yet made contact with this Lanza, and cannot at this time confirm the authenticity of the status messages shared by Fletcher.

This Lanza's account has since been deleted. Facebook gave Mashable the following comment:

"We are deeply saddened by the tragedy in Newton, Connecticut and our sympathies go out to the families and loved ones of the victims. Out of respect for those involved, and as this is an active law enforcement investigation, we are declining to comment further at this time."


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