Was will man tun? Man will immer so viel tun. Und dann, dann tut man doch nichts. Tun und machen sind schlimme Sachen. So wurde es mir einmal gesagt. Also soll man diese Wörter lieber nicht benutzen. Doch nun egal. Hier passt es, wie ich finde. Und wenn etwas passt, dann kann man es gern getrost auch benutzen. Oder nicht? Zur Zeit geht mir dieses Bus-Stop-Lied nicht mehr aus dem Kopf. Ein alter Song, 60er Jahre würde ich sagen. Dieser hier. Well, read on. Ich wollte vorhin noch so viel sagen, schreiben, Gedanken in dieses Weblog ergießen. Aber nun, ja, jetzt wo ich am Schreiben bin, da, da ist mein Kopf doch wieder leer.
The Hollies - Bus Stop
> Bus stop wet day she's there I say "Please share my umbrella"
> bus stop bus goes she stays love grows under my umbrella
> all that summer we enjoyed it wind and rain and shine
> that umbrella we employed it by August she was mine
> Every morning I would see her waiting at the stop
> sometimes she'd shop and she would show me what she bought
> other people stare as if we were both quite insane
> someday my name and hers are going to be the same
> That's the way the whole thing's started silly but it's true
> a thinking of a sweet romance beginning in that queue
> came the sun the ice was melting no more sheltering now
> nice to think that that umbrella led me to a vow
> Every morning I would see her waiting at the stop
> sometimes she'd shop and she would show me what she bought
> other people stare as if we were both quite insane
> someday my name and hers are going to be the same
> Bus stop wet day she's there I say "Please share my umbrella"
> bus stop bus goes she stays love grows under my umbrella
> all that summer we enjoyed it wind and rain and shine
> that umbrella we employed it by August she was mine
[*The Hollies - Bus Stop*](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZ8DPMXEqfM)